On Tuesday, June 4 2024, the Mathematics Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Tanjungpura University held a Field Lecture on Mathematical Modeling in Epidemiological Analysis of Infectious Diseases in Pontianak City. This activity was carried out at the Pontianak City Health Service with the aim of understanding and describing the dynamics of the spread of infectious diseases through mathematical models. By holding this activity, participants are expected to be able to understand the factors that influence the spread of disease and design effective strategies to prevent the spread of infectious diseases such as HIV/AIDS.
This field lecture activity was attended by 63 students, 10 lecturers, and 20 people from the Health Service. The activity started by being opened by Meliana Pasaribu, M.Sc. as host. After the introduction of the presenters, Dr. Saptiko, M.Med.PH. as Head of the Pontianak City Health Service, Dr. Evi Noviani, S.Si., M.Sc., CFrA as Deputy Dean for General Affairs and Finance, FMIPA, and Dr. Bayu Prihandono, M.Sc. as Head of the Mathematics Study Program.
The presentation of the material was delivered by Dr. Saptiko, M.Med.PH. as Head of the Pontianak City Health Service regarding the factors that influence the spread of disease. First of all, the dangers of infectious diseases, the types of infectious diseases, and the main aspects of person-to-person transmission are explained. Then it explains the source of disease transmission and how it is transmitted, as well as ways to prevent and control infectious diseases. The speaker also presented data on cases of infectious diseases in Pontianak City, such as dengue fever and tuberculosis along with the efforts made to prevent and control these diseases.
The public lecture participants listened to the material enthusiastically. This was seen when participants asked several questions related to the spread of infectious diseases. At the end of the presentation of the material, Dr. Saptiko, M.Med.PH. Don't forget to remind participants to always maintain stamina, increase immunity and carry out healthy activities. The event closed with the presentation of a certificate by the Mathematics Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, to the Pontianak Health Service.