NIP | : | 198310202008012012 |
NIDN | : | 0020108301 |
Group | : | III/d |
Functional | : | Associate Professor |
Research | : |
Dr. Yundari, S.Si., M.Sc is a lecturer from the Department of Mathematics who received doctoral education in Mathematics from the Bandung Institute of Technology. His research interest is Stochastic modeling including time series modeling and space-time series modeling. Modeling is applied to mineral grade, resistivity and logging data with the relative time used being rock layer thickness. Apart from that, data that has other location and time dependencies can also be used for this modeling. The grants that have been obtained are basic research from superior universities and the Tanjungpura University DIPA Grant. Apart from research in the scientific field of mathematics, Dr. Yundari also collaborates with Mathematics Education lecturers to conduct research in the field of Education and teaching Mathematics.